My first post

I am really unsure of how to blog, so bear with me. I am hoping to post some useful information on cooking and eating healthy. I plan to share and post weekly recipes; some will be tested and true, and other’s new or revised as I see fit, that may entice my whole family to at least try. Some of my family members (if you know me, you will know who I am referring to) push back against eating healthy, and if vegetables are involved, they usually decide that they will just have cereal instead. My goal, is to find a healthy recipe to feed the entire family, although I am not sure if this is possible. Along the way, I hope the majority of my family will enjoy trying out these new recipes, however I might have to keep the cereal pantry stocked as well.

In order to eat healthy, and make home cooked meals each week, there is a lot of work involved. Planning is the first step and is key in this process. Each week, I peruse Facebook and Pinterest looking for new and interesting recipes. There is always lots to choose from, sometimes way too many in fact. Once a few meals are decided upon, a grocery list is made of items required, and off to the grocery store I go. Bringing the groceries home, and putting them away, I find, is the worst part of this routine. It seems like there is never enough room in the fridge or the cupboards for all the food bought every week. However, after a couple of meals are prepared and the food is eaten, I get the same complaints: Mom,  there is nothing to eat! It’s a never ending cycle as the fridge seems bare again until the next grocery shopping expedition.

Over the next 12 weeks, as part of my requirements for a class I am enrolled in on Building Social Media Relationships, I will try to entice you to try some of the healthy recipes that work for me and my family by sharing my experiences, photos, and family comments. Wish me luck, I may need it!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Wanted to say that I like your layout in your blog.
    It’s easy to see and navigate.
    Looking forward to your next healthy recipe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comment

      Liked by 1 person

  2. autoblot says:

    You should talk to Amanda about DIYing some extra cupboard space! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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